Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Wes Anderson goes Commercial

Ever wonder what a two minute Wes Anderson movie would look and feel like? Turns out it's as brilliant as his full-length features. A nice commercial for American Express.


  1. Thats great. Everything he does just has a very sincere feel behind it, even a two minute spot.

  2. Wes Anderson can make a commercial something I want to see over and over again. How is he so awesome?

  3. Great commercial, Piper. Thanks for your comment at mine. I'm a big Anderson fan, too, but I just thought The Life Aquatic was poor, poor, poor. Different strokes, I guess!

  4. Couldn't agree to disagree with you more asterisk. You can't love something until someone hates it.

    We're both still fans of his and that's what matters.
