Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Life Like A Montage

This entry is part of The Self-Involvement Blog-a-Thon at Culture Snob. The self filtered through the movies.

I want my life to be like a montage.

Of me traveling the open road with good friends on the way to who cares. Of beautiful countryside settings at dusk and wind blowing through my hair and laughing.

I want my life to be like a montage.

Where I train against what seem insurmountable odds. Where I put my body through rigorous drills on the sides of mountains in far off countries and nothing seems impossible.

I want my life to be like a montage.

Of me designing the perfect machine against a blood red sky. Painstakingly measuring and re-measuring to make sure that perfect machine does what it is supposed to do, perfectly.

I want my life to be like a montage.

The best bits of life without a concern for how we got there or the consequences after. Only the most brilliant moments. Set to a kick-ass soundtrack.


  1. Excellent post.

    I'm not sure if this falls under the "montage" category, but I've always wanted to be running in slow motion down a deserted street, with an explosion or two crashing cars behind me.

    That could fall under your idea of
    "The best bits of life without a concern for how we got there or the consequences after. Only the most brilliant moments."

  2. Thanks Jamie.

    That sounds more like "my life like slo-mo." Which would be cool as well.

  3. Great post Piper.

    But beware:

  4. With my luck, the person editing it would throw on a really cliche song, something like Where the Streets Have No Name, and totally ruin my life montage.
