Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Gotta Be The Eyes

I love Zooey Deschanel. Yes, I do. And as I'm writing this, I'm screaming it from the rooftops. Screaming and screaming. There seem to be some police gathering below and telling me to "shut the hell up." But I won't! I won't do it, because my love is greater than a badge. Greater than Mr. Lawman. What does Mr. Law know about deep, deep love? Okay, now the police are drawing their billy clubs and some pepper spray? Is that pepper spray? But that won't stop me! Fear of being beaten about the cranium and spayed in the face with pepper will not stop me from declaring my love. Okay, they're getting really close now. And upon further observation, that pepper spray is actually a tazer gun. Okay screw this, I'm running back inside and locking the door behind me. There, now I'm safe.

Okay, I will quietly declare my love for Zoey. Not as an actress, although I do like her as that. But mostly for her eyes. And her voice. If Zooey could sing me to sleep every night and let me get lost in her eyes without getting creeped out by a grown man falling asleep in front of her while staring into her eyes, I would be a happy man.


  1. I couldn't agree more. There's that scene in ELF where she's singing to herself in the washroom that gets me every single time. Wow.

    Hell, I even dig that clothing ad she's been appearing in lately where she sings and wrote the actual jingle that is used.

    Altho, I still haven't see {500} DAYS OF SUMMER or picked up that CD she did.

  2. Agreed. Even things like Yes Man are made tolerable by her. If she's always stuck playing the quirky chick who likes the same music I like and knows how to sing, I'll be a very happy individual.

  3. If you really loved her, you'd spell her name right. Poor Zooey.

  4. Fletch,

    Man you're a weenie shrinker. Get caught up in my love fest. Don't be a wet blanket.

    But I made the change anyway. Plus, when I would be screaming her name she wouldn't know if I was spelling it right or not.

  5. Jesus Christ almighty. I love her more than life.

    Have you heard SHE & HIM. I listen to it as I fall asleep. And think about her. Now I will, through the process of association, think about you.

    See you in my dreams......

  6. Piper, have you even seen this movie?

  7. The 500 days of Summer? No.

    But I still love her.

  8. I'll admit to a rather large girlcrush on Zooey myself. I'll watch anything she's in, even stuff like Yes Man that's so far outside my normal movie-watching area. And Zooey picspam is always welcome. :)

  9. I would watch her read the phonebook aloud while covered in beetles. In that scenario, either her or I could be covered in beetles. I'd still watch.

  10. I don't love her. I don't mind her but I'm a blackhole and a wormhole away from loving her. And I wish I could cut my ears off when that cotton commercial comes on.
