Feedback Requested
I'm currently courting other templates for my blog. There are some really pretty and friendly ones. They're more structured and have rounded edges and seem more organized.
It's not that I don't like my currently template, I want to stay friends and all, it just seems a little unruly. I don't like so much how the text shapes with the size of the window.
I honestly would like to know what you think. Should I go a changin or not? Or is this a ridiculous post.
go with whatever is easiest to read.
Is there a template with unicorns?
I'm all for change, but I fear that if you go the "rounded edge" template route, it'll end up looking like every other blog in the film blogosphere, and I like having my unique Lazy Eye Theatre.
So change, unless it's gonna look like everything else out there. My vote.
Yep...time to change. It's getting a little stale. BTW...missed me?
"Change for the sake of change is never wise."
-- Dolores Umbridge
Awesome quote, J.D.!!!
As I live and breathe, elijah price. How you been you old so and so. Last you commented, you were ill. I hope you are much better now. Lazy Eye is much more colorful with you around.
You quoted a Harry Potter character? Come on. It's not change just to change, I don't think my posts are very easy to read because the text is too long. I'm thinking of you. Always thinking of the reader.
You are right, but the curves are so nice and curvy. Actually, I'm going to work with a designer and set up my own template.
Yea, was ill, got over that then had to take a "state mandated" vacation for 90 days. Wearing orange every day gets a little old. Fact is, I'm back, getting caught up on movies. Disagree on Transformers though. Talk to you soon.
Hmmmmm. 'State Mandated'. Yes, house arrest can get boring.
I like the look now, but then again, I just changed my template too.
One thing you have to love, the new Blogger makes it so much easier now. You don't have to save all your links like you used it.
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