RC at Strange Culture wrote a post recently about
Diablo Cody getting to choose 12 films to be featured at the New Beverly Cinema. Reading this news made me think a couple of things. My first thought was "jeez, they're letting anybody choose movies at New Beverly Cinema these days." And second was "this is a really good idea for a meme." RC gave me permission to run with the idea and so here I am presenting you with The 12 Movie Meme. The Meme that asks what if YOU could pick 12 movies to run at the New Beverly Cinema? On the surface it seems fun and easy, and yet scratch the surface a bit and you'll find a very daunting task because what you choose is a personal reflection. And you can't willy
nilly it. Your 12 movies should be like a good mixed tape. Strong at first, brought down a little right after, then up again, solid in the middle with a big finish.
So here are the Meme rules:
1) Choose 12 Films to be featured. They could be random selections or part of a greater theme. Whatever you want.
2) Explain why you chose the films.
3) Link back to Lazy Eye Theatre so I can have hundreds of links and I can take those links and spread them all out on the bed and then roll around in them.
4) The people selected then have to turn around and select 5 more people.
My selections represent my overall taste and curiosity in movies. I am a lover of the strange and unpolished, and yet I am a also a hopeless romantic at heart which is why you'll find two of my favorite romantic comedies in the middle. I grouped my selections in two to reflect similar themes or to show how one paved the way for the other. The fact that Battle Royale kicks it off will could be a brilliant start or a big harpoon to the whole thing.
Monday - TuesdayBattle Royale -
Kinji Fukasaku (2000)
Three O'Clock High - Phil
Joanou (1987)
Wednesday - Thursday
Song of the South -
Harve Foster/Wilfred Jackson (1946)
Coonskin - Ralph
Bakshi (1975)
Friday - Saturday
Escape From New York - John Carpenter (1981)
Streets Of Fire - Walter Hill (1984)
Sunday - Monday
High Fidelity - Stephen
Frears (2000)
Punch Drunk Love - P.T. Anderson (2002)
Tuesday - Wednesday
The Brood - David
Cronenberg (1979)
The Royal Tenenbaums - Wes Anderson (2001)
Thursday - FridayAll The Presidents Men - Alan J.
Pakula (1976)
Zodiac - David
Fincher (2007)
And here are my selections
Fletch at
Blog Cabinselgringo at
He Shot CyrusJA at
My New Plaid PantsCaitlin at
1,416 and CountingAlan at
BurbankedFox at
Tractor FactsJonathan at
Cinema StylesRoss at
Anchorwoman In Peril!Marilyn at
Ferdy On FilmsAdam at
DVD PanacheAnd of course RC at
Strange CultureGood luck everyone. And even if I haven't tapped you feel free to include what your 12 movies would be in the comments section.