Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Nethers Are Confused

I think Cate Blanchett is hot and incredibly sexy.

I do not find Bob Dylan hot nor incredibly sexy.

So what kind of sexual tailspin am I going to send myself into if I go to see I'm not There, where Cate Blanchett plays Bob Dylan?


Sheamus the... said...

Wait...Cate plays Bob?
That will be amazing if that is true.

J.D. said...

Yeah, it's true. She won the Volpi Cup for it.

But to the post... that is scary confusing...

Burbanked said...

And where will your comedy penis stand on this issue, Piper?

And what kind of a man am I to have asked such a question?

PIPER said...

If Cate Blanchett cuts a joke and a good one, then I have no idea what my comedy penis will do.

Anonymous said...

I just hope Cate sings Bob's songs for him. That guy has quite an unpleasant voice.

Tony Tanti said...

I'm more thrilled to see this movie than any in a long time. As I'm sure you know, Bob is played by several actors, but like you it's Cate's performance that has me most curious.

PIPER said...

Yeah, I'm curious to see how it's handled. If it's through the years, that's okay but it sounds a lot like Palindromes where several people played the role of a 13 year old.

We'll see.