Friday, April 25, 2008

Passive Aggressive Linking

I'm from the Midwest, so I'm supposed to be humble which I am for the most part. But every once in a while I'm not, and that embarrasses me so I have to disguise it. See if you can tell which link I really want you to visit.

msnbc shows us the hottest national retirement communities.

eHow shows us how to remove a sliver from a dog's paw.

The Large Association Of Movie Blogs is having its first ever LAMMY AWARDS and Lazy Eye Theatre is looking for your nomination in any or all categories including Best Blog, Best Running Feature (What Say You?, Mayhem or Top 5 Tuesdays), Best Blog Name, and so on and so forth. If you are a fellow LAMB and are impressed with my wares, then please nominate Lazy Eye Theatre. VOTE FOR LAZY EYE THEATRE!

The National Audubon Society Field Guide To North American Butterflies provides us butterfly basics.

The current weather in Kansas City.


Megan said...

Pimping for butterflies now, eh?

Lucas said...

damn you, Piper.

how the hell am I supposed to pick one film blog over another when i love them all?

TALKING MOVIEzzz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PIPER said...


You can join anytime. Just click on the link and tell them you wan to sign up.

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