I'm Back But I'm Over There
I'm back from vacation, but I'm not here. I'm over at Film Experience Blog because Nathaniel has asked me to guest blog while he is away. So come and pay me a visit. I've got bagels and some really good coffee.
Wandering Film Talk
I'm back from vacation, but I'm not here. I'm over at Film Experience Blog because Nathaniel has asked me to guest blog while he is away. So come and pay me a visit. I've got bagels and some really good coffee.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: Guest Blogging
Man, what a great idea and I have shit for time. The Broken Projector is hosting a Double Bill-a-Thon now through tomorrow. And it's too good to pass up. In lieu of any in-depth writing on these double bills, please accept these submissions.
Posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: Blog-A-Thons
I'm on vacation starting tomorrow and won't be back until after Halloween. Until then, please enjoy an old favorite of mine.
Posted by
10:44 AM
Posted by
9:23 AM
Labels: Non-horror Creeps
Posted by
8:20 AM
Labels: Blog-A-Thons, High Anxiety
I feel a little guilty because I have come up empty for the Montgomery Clift Blog-a-Thon going on a Film Experience Blog today. And it's Monty's Birthday no less, so how disrespectful is that? It's like I got invited to Monty's party and didn't bring a gift.
SFX: Door Bell. Door opens and there stands Montgomery Clift.
PIPER: Hello Mr. Clift.
MONTY: Piper, please. Call me Montgomery.
PIPER: Can I call you Monty?
PIPER: Gotcha. Happy Birthday by the way. What are you now?
PIPER: Really? That old? I pegged you at 65.
MONTY: Well, welcome. The gift table is right there on the right where Liz is standing.
PIPER: Yeah, about that. You see, I had planned on putting together a little something for you but you know how it goes. Kids. Wife. No time.
MONTY: Actually, I don't how that goes.
PIPER: Right, right. Sorry. But hey, I showed up right? That's worth something. And I did bring a bottle of wine.
MONTY: Thank you that's very thoughtful. Why does it say Merry Christmas Pipers 2004?
PIPER: Whoops. Let's just remove that and it's good as new. So... you going to invite me in or what?
MONTY: I suppose.
PIPER: Now where are you hiding that bar? And do you have any of those shrimps on the toothpick with the bacon wrapped around them, that is if Liz hasn't eaten them all, right? Humor, that's a gift right Monty? Oh, I mean Montgomery.
Good Gawd. Sorry Monty. Sorry Nat. Please help me redeem myself and visit Film Experience Blog and show Montgomery the respect he deserves.
Posted by
8:14 AM
Labels: Montgomery Clift Blog-a-Thon
Posted by
2:40 PM
Labels: The Horror/Comedy
Posted by
11:59 PM
Labels: The Greatest Horror Movies
Posted by
9:00 AM
Labels: Filmfest Kansas City, The Player
Posted by
10:04 PM
Some good discussions about scary things and whatnot.
Jeff at Culture Snob offers up Fear Is Not Enough and Strength In Numbers.
Ed Hardy at Shoot The Projectionist serves up the daily Ghoul, Ghost, Killer or Fiend.
Stacie Ponder at Final Girl talks about Phantasm, one of my faves.
Rob at The Projection Booth continues with 31 Days Of Zombie with 28 Weeks Later.
Andrew at Cinevistaramascope gives us Halloween Trailerfest featuring Cropsy.
And Joe at This Distracted Globe continues with 31 Days Of Hitchcock.
Posted by
9:19 PM
Labels: Horror Links
Posted by
9:45 AM
Labels: Dumb Monsters
Posted by
7:11 PM
Labels: Scary
Posted by
8:02 AM
1 ramblings
Labels: Shocker Remake
While everyone is writing about things that scare them (me included) let me break form for a moment and talk about some things that don't scare me. Because you can't really begin to understand a person until you know what makes them tick. Or in this case, not tick at all.
1. Vampires don't scare me. While the look of a vampire might scare me in Murnau's Nosferatu, the idea of an immortal man or woman that feeds on blood does not scare me. I think the best treatment of a vampire is in Hooper's Salem's Lot - which of course is a tribute to Nosferatu. He is not a charmer, he is not a playboy, he is a monster that is seldom seen. I think most of the fear of vampires has been replaced with sexuality and while I may find that exciting, I don't find it scary.
2. Werewolves don't scare me. The transformation is fascinating and I like how An American Werewolf In London explored the horrors of losing complete control of yourself, but I have never found a wolf on two legs or four to be something that I loose any kind of sleep over. But don't get me wrong, The Howling and Dog Soldiers are among some of my favorite horror moves, they just don't scare me.
3. Mummies don't scare me. Being mummified does however scare the bejesus out of me.
4. Torture does not scare me. I cringe because I think torture is an awful thing, not because I am scared by it. Only Marathon Man has come close to capturing the terror associated with torture. Torture is not in the act, it is in the wondering what will happen and how it will feel. Sorry Eli, you missed the boat on that one.
5. Tentacles don't scare me. Because of this, I may have a problem with The Mist.
6. Ghosts don't scare me. Unseen spirits make for good stories around the campfire, but if you truly want to scare me, I need flesh and blood. Unless of course we are talking possession, then that's a completely different story.
7. Severed body parts acting alone don't scare me. A hand terrorizing people is stupid, but connect that hand to a big scary guy and then you've got something.
8. The Devil does not scare me. He/she might be the largest backer in this big scary corporation, but he/she personally does not scare me. The Devil is just a figure head and it's his/her minions that scare me. But I haven't met the guy/gal just yet so I could be wrong.
9. Rabid dogs don't scare me. There comes a time when you have to step back to see where humans are located on the evolutionary chain. You will find them a few clicks ahead of a dog. Rabies or not, no dog will ever take me down.
10. Giant insects don't scare me. Nor do giant frogs. But if there were such a thing as giant insects, I would want giant frogs around so they could eat them.
11. Over-sized crocodiles don't scare me. The same goes for over-sized fish. But the idea of giant fish/bear hybrid a la The Prophecy scares the living hell out of me.
12. Slugs don't scare me. They are slimy and fast and could leap into my mouth within seconds and possess me and turn me into a killing machine, but they do not scare me.
Posted by
12:43 PM
Labels: Not Scary
Scott at Cinematical gives us seven of the best horror movies we haven't seen yet. Some have played at festivals and haven't been released yet and some are just floundering waiting for a distributor. Haven't seen Wrong Turn 2 yet and I'm not sure I would like it, but still I'm curious. Scott promises to reveal even more movies, so stay tuned.
Posted by
8:26 AM
Labels: Horror
Posted by
10:59 AM
Labels: Halo 3 Commercials
Posted by
8:11 AM
Labels: The Kite Runner
Stacie Ponder at Final Girl never ceases to amaze me with the fun she has with the horror genre. As everyone creates their own list of great horror movies this month, Stacie has made up a list of 50 horror movies that she would have liked to have seen. My favorites are EsKillator, The Eyes Have Eyes, An American Werewolf In America, Don't Look In The Bureau! and of course Jazzercide.
Posted by
8:59 AM
1 ramblings
Labels: Horror Lists
It's October and it seems for the time being I'm going all zombies all the time. But this Top 5 Tuesdays isn't just about zombie movies. When dealing with the undead, you get to open things up a bit. Death Becomes Her or how about Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King as some non-zombie fare? Okay, now give me your Top 5 Movies about or involving the undead. If you need some help, check out this list.
Here are mine.
1. Dawn Of The Dead The original of course. Still the best zombie movie out there.
2. An American Werewolf In London Griffin Dunn is a rotting corpse with a good bedside manner as it relates to future werewolves. Love it.
3. Return Of The Living Dead This was about as fun as you can have with a horror movie and not hate yourself for it. More brains anyone?
4. Salem's Lot I am having to exclude it from my 31 Greatest Horror Movies List, but it deserves a place among the best.
5. Army Of Darkness My favorite of the Evil Dead series. Shop Smart. Shop S Mart.
Posted by
5:23 PM
Labels: Top 5 Tuesdays
The Projection Booth is hosting 31 Days Of Zombie and we are given free reign to explore all things zombie. And since I have been especially sensitive as it relates to remakes, I thought that there was an interesting zombie question that needed to be answered which is: fast or slow zombies?
In other words, if we were to pick sides where would you stand, with the creeping shuffling zombies of Romero, or with the 2.0 versions as seen by Zack Snyder in the Dawn Of The Dead remake or by Danny Boyle in 28 Days Later? It might be surprising to hear that I myself am divided. To me there is something terrifying about a slow moving monster that one moment seems somewhat harmless but that can tear you in half the next. But then there is the visceral excitement I get from a fast moving zombie that can chase you across a field or down a street. Some might argue that it comes down to realism (and yes I know that's a funny question as it relates to something that doesn't exist). If the person has been dead for some time, then rigor mortis would cause severe mobility problems. So in the Dawn Of The Dead remake, Snyder is putting aside any desire for authenticity in an effort to update and generate effect. And honestly, I'm a bit surprised that Romero himself has not explored this territory in one of his more recent films, but he created the zombie rules and he's going to stick to them. Of course this argument does not work with the Rage virus from 28 Days Later, but when all is said and done the basic question still remains: fast or slow zombies?
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: What Say You, Zombies
The Projection Booth is hosting 31 Days Of Zombie where you can write about anything your undead heart desires as it relates to zombies.
Then over at This Distracted Globe, Joe will be writing about a Hitchcock movie a day for his 31 Days of Hitchcock.
Isn't October fun?
Posted by
12:01 AM
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