Best Oscar - I'm committing to two categories
Best Actor. Sean Penn in Milk. I've seen the trailer. This one is done.
Best Supporting Actor. Heath Ledger as Joker. He deserves it and he's dead.
- Pat Piper
Wandering Film Talk
Best Actor. Sean Penn in Milk. I've seen the trailer. This one is done.
Best Supporting Actor. Heath Ledger as Joker. He deserves it and he's dead.
- Pat Piper
Posted by
7:46 AM
There are different movie games people play with friends, but I have a particular favorite. I will borrow Pat’s blog to describe it in some detail.
At least five people, better if you don’t know their movie tastes.
A setting that includes food and drink and no rush to leave. On this night, the game was played in a cozy corner in a sushi restaurant in Chicago. Lots of beer and cold sake.
How it’s played:
Somebody throws out a topic and everyone around the table answers.
“Favorite science fiction movie?”
“Favorite action scene?”
“Favorite comedy?”
“Favorite Paul Newman movie?”
The rules:
There are no rules to this game. Other than the fact that it helps if your group actually goes to the movies and that at least someone in your group, in our case – Pat Piper – is outspoken enough to call bullshit on people’s answers.
From what I recall, Piper had WORDS with Ethan over Ethan’s responses:
Favorite Dustin Hoffman movie? “Rain Man”
Favorite Action movie? “Transformers”
Favorite Quentin Tarantino movie? “I HATE Quentin Tarantino.”
The game gets better the longer it lasts. That’s because obvious categories are out of the way and more interesting categories appear:
“Best Clint Eastwood movie, first as actor, then as director?”
“Guilty pleasure movie?”
“Movie nobody at this table has ever seen but should?”
“Best musical score?”
“Best Donald Pleasance movie?”
The game ends when one of the following occurs:
You run out of categories.
You are no longer friends.
The bar or restaurant wants you to leave.
Posted by
6:09 AM
Posted by
7:29 AM
Posted by
1:49 PM
In case you don't know this already, here are a couple of rules you should keep in mind when hosting a blog-a-thon.
1. Try not to schedule a blog-a-thon when you're on the road shooting TV commercials so you can avoid having to check for updates on your computer in a van that has really shitty wireless service when you really should be watching the commercial that is being shot.
2. Try not to conclude a blog-a-thon on a day where you travel in an airplane for five hours only to get home to pack for a family vacation that leaves early the next morning.
Otherwise, I would say that the Bond-A-Thon was a big success. I received lots of entries from new blogs, familiar blogs and none from Fox who according to his e-mail to me has only seen one and a half James Bond films. The half was due mostly to the fact that his date left because Fox tried the old "buttered popcorn surprise" trick.
I'm still getting my bearings, so I'm slow in reading all the entries.
Thanks to everyone who submitted posts and to all who helped promote this little shindig.
Posted by
2:02 PM
I had heard positive reviews of this documentary about a French daredevil who walks across a cable strung between the towers of The World Trade Center in 1974 but frankly it sounded kind of boring. I mean, I’ve been to the circus. I’ve seen tightrope walkers before. How enthralling could this documentary be?
Well, I was wrong. Man on Wire captivated me from start to finish. I’ve seen dozens and dozens of documentaries and I would place “Man on Wire” in second place, right behind Errol Morris’s “Thin Blue Line.”
One reason this film will stay with me for many years:
1. Fulfilling one’s destiny. Phillip Petit decided he would cross the Twin Towers even before they were built. He had already crossed the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and The Harbor Bridge in Sidney. But the towers would be his crowning achievement. He believed so much in his destiny that it was relatively easy for him to recruit the support he needed. He got the help from his lover, Annie Allix, his good friend, Jean-Louis Blondeau and even from Americans he had just met.
This man, Phillip Petit, was a marvel to watch on a wire. He wasn’t a performer as much as he was an artist who sculpted air. A. O. Scott from the New York Times describes it as “physical poetry.” Phillip Petit found so much joy in sky walking that I just couldn’t stop smiling. (And I’m afraid of heights.)
Petit had to overcome tremendous logistics in order to accomplish this feat. Perhaps the greatest challenge was figuring out how to string a cable across the two towers. I won’t give it away here, but it was only by trial and error and sheer ingenuity that Petit and his crew of true believers discovered how it could be done. While the logistics are fascinating, the outcome was never in doubt. Not when one believes so fervently in his dreams.
Post 9/11, the World Trade Center is gone. Like millions of Americans, I remember where I was when the plane hit the South tower. And I remember where I was when the North tower was hit. The images are burned into my brain and we as a country can never go back. But then again with James Marsh’s compelling movie, maybe we can.
Posted by
5:50 AM
Posted by
5:00 AM
Posted by
9:32 AM
Posted by
5:00 AM
Labels: Top 5 Tuesdays
More than the Blog-a-Thons themselves, I love Blog-a-Thon banners.
Feel free to use these to spread the word about the James Bond Blog-a-Thon beginning in a couple of days.
These designs are courtesy of Mr. Jeremy Fuksa at The Martini Shaker.
And the lines are written by myself with some inspiration from Adam Ross at DVD Panache.
Posted by
7:39 PM
Labels: Blog-A-Thons
Posted by
12:54 PM
Posted by
5:50 AM
I wrote about this before the October craziness, but my The Blog, James Blog-A-Thon has moved dates with the new release date. It is now November 12th - 14th. Let me put that in all caps so it's easy and fun to read.
In addition to my blog-a-thon, Dr. Mabuse's Kaleido-Scope is also have a James Bond Blog-A-Thon that is currently going on through November 14th. So be sure to contribute to that as well.
And right now. Right this very minute, there is the Politics & Movies Blog-A-Thon going on through November 9th at The Cooler.
And don't forget about The Universal Horror Blog-A-Thon going on November 7-9 at Careful With The Blog, Eugene. So get on that as well.
So what the hell are you doing reading this? Go and write already.
Posted by
5:58 AM
Posted by
8:52 AM
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